
Upcoming webinar

Posted: September 14, 2022


The digitization of transport networks has delivered Big Data platforms, IoT, and connected mobility – a firehose of movement and tracking data which has driven many to attempt development of their own niche tools to deliver the insights needed by their stakeholders and clients. However, there is now a self-service platform which can help. –


On the 29th of September, Dedicated Systems and will be co-hosting a webinar which will be of interest to anyone who needs to quickly analyse large amounts of location tracking and timeseries data associated with people, vehicles, items or locations.


This webinar will introduce you to a location analytics platform which delivers insights in minutes rather than months, and demonstrate:

  • How to become a better mobility analyst by leveraging new mobility data sources such as floating vehicle data (FVD) for traffic analysis, and General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data for public transport analysis.


  • Real-world use-cases, such as performing traffic impact analysis on road closures, analysing changing city-wide ride hailing trends, and monitoring public transit bottlenecks and delays.


  • A new powerful mobility analytics tool,, that combines capabilities of GIS, BI, and time series analysis.




