Dedicated Systems Newsletter #34 – October 2012
Dedicated Systems Newsletter #34 – October 2012
Inside this issue:
1. Wind River: VxWorks powers Mars Science Laboratory Rover, Curiosity
2. Dedicated Systems exhibits at MiLCIS 2012 – Canberra; 5th – 8th November 2012
3. 4DSP: Kintex®-7 PCI Express Card with FMC interface
4. EKF: CPCI Quad Port eSATA & USB Controller Board
5. RTI: Next Generation RTI Connext Software reduces Real-Time System Development,
Integration and Testing Costs
6. UEI: The new Volume 12 catalogue is available for download
7. Interface Concept: Intel® CoreTM i7 CPU and KintexTM-7 FPGA in one 3U VPX Board