‘Why is the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture important to how you design and build your IIoT/IoT system…’
Established by GE, Cisco, AT&T, Intel and IBM, the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) is the largest of the Internet of Things (IoT) consortia now representing over 50 countries by over 250 member companies (iiconsortium.org). More importantly, it’s the only one focused on industrial systems, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Recently, the IIC released the second iteration of the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA), a formal overview of the integration architecture recommended for IIoT systems from a high-level perspective. It covers everything from business goals to security to system interoperability. The architecture establishes many key technical guidelines. Critically, it also eliminates many approaches; an architecture is as much about what you can’t do as what you can do.
We at Real-Time Innovations (RTI) are most excited by two major aspects: the IIRA connectivity architecture and the IIRA security framework. “Connectivity”, or how independently designed and built systems can be integrated and interoperate, is one of the biggest challenges for the emerging IIoT industry. As importantly, how can IIoT systems be secured against the constant threat of hackers looking for financial gain, instilling terrorism or otherwise wreaking havoc on a completely networked society. The IIRA takes an innovative, distributed “databus” approach that eases interoperability while providing top performance, reliability, and security.
This seminar will review the technology and examine real-world use cases for DDS in the Industrial Internet across several industries, including medical, energy, aviation and automotive.