‘Securing Distributed Networked Systems Using DDS’
In this workshop, we will learn what it means to have a secure network covering threat models, system vulnerabilities, and security policies.
We will then understand the various methods that network security can be achieved using Data Distribution Service (DDS), an open real-time, high performance data-centric publish-subscribe middleware specification by OMG (the same software standards organisation behind UML, CORBA, SysML, etc).
They will also present the new DDS Secure specification and exploring how it would be deployed and used in practice through RTI’s new Connext DDS Secure implementation.
Presenter: Dr Howard Wang (RTI)
Dr. Howard Wang is an expert in embedded realtime systems and the practical application of DDS
technology to end user systems.
Howard joined RTI in 1996. He has consulted with the NASA Kennedy Space Center in helping to rewrite the launch and processing software for the Space Shuttle, with Alstom Schilling Robotics in developing control software for robotic manipulators and remotely operated vehicles, and with a variety of companies working on distributed, networked applications.
Howard holds a PhD and an MS in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University, as well as BSEs in Aerospace and Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.
Time: 13:30-17:00 – Thursday 10th March 2016 (no charge)
‘Flexible Architecture for Lightweight & Big Data Use Cases’
Luciad provides products for building state-of-the-art geospatial situational awareness applications that can be deployed on any platform and architecture.
In this workshop, Luciad will provide a product overview and explain the design and architectural principles employed that enable building both lightweight applications for browser, desktop, and mobile use, and more heavy big data applications deployed in the cloud or other distributed architectures.
Presenter: Tom Crauwels (Luciad)
Tom holds a degree in Informatics at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). He also studied at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). Before moving into his current role, he was a Software Engineer in the Operations Department of Luciad where he was involved in custom development and consultancy for projects developed with Luciad products. He is also one of Luciad’s senior trainers on how to deploy Luciad products.
Time: 09:00 – 12:30 – Thursday 10th March 2016 (no charge)
‘Ada 2012 on Embedded Real-Time Systems’
This half-day session will comprise a tutorial and a developer workshop, demonstrating how to use Ada 2012 to program real-time embedded systems.
We will cover the various run-time library choices with a focus on the Ravenscar tasking profile, and also introduce Ada 2012’s contract-based programming features.
The hands-on workshop will use an ARM-based embedded target platform with a Ravenscar-compliant run-time environment.
AdaCore will provide an Ada 2012 toolchain and several ARM-based target boards. (Students must provide their own computer having at least one USB port and the ability to run Windows or Linux either natively or in a virtual machine.)
Presenter: Eric Perlade (AdaCore)
Eric is in charge of the technical interactions with major AdaCore European accounts. As a software engineer and aerospace enthusiast he started his career working for Airbus on hard real-time critical software.
Eric holds a Masters in critical software engineering from Université Paris 7 as well as a pilot licence.
Time: 09:00-12:30 – Thursday 10th March 2016 (no charge)