
PC768 Kintex-7™ PCIe | Sixteen 250Msps 16-bit ADC channels

PC768 Kintex-7™ PCIe
Sixteen 250Msps 16-bit A/D channels

The PC768 is a high-performance, half-size PCI Express card with I/O capabilities designed to address advanced data acquisition and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) requirements. The card is an adaptation of 4DSP’s widely adopted PC720 Kintex-7 FPGA carrier card with 1GB of DDR3 SDRAM. The PC768 is an excellent choice for high-performance applications such as beamforming that require large band analog signal digitization or generation through the use of accelerated frequency-domain algorithms.


The PC768 offers 16 ADC channels with 16-bit resolution and 250 Msps sampling rate per channel. In addition, the PC768 offers flexible control of clock generation and distribution, as well as sampling frequency and analog input gain through the I2C serial communication bus. The A/D design is based on the Texas Instruments ADS42LB69 dual-channel 16-Bit 250 MSPS A/D.




  • Kintex-7 160T, 325T, 410T
  • 16-channel 16-bit 250MSPS A/D conversion
  • PCIe Gen2 x8/4-lane, PCIe Gen3 x4 (softcore)
  • Micro SD Flash (32GB)
  • Single ended AC- or DC-coupled analog input
  • External and internal clock

